Well, I did it. I birthed a child. This was after most of my life, assuming I would never marry, let alone ever have a child of my own. I assumed I would be an adoptive single mother (and that would be awesome!). I had it all planned out. Then I met my husband, and... when you open yourself up to another person, you discover things about yourself you didn't know. Every time you think you're done growing, life says, "Uh-uh, you've got more to learn, honey. Don't start staring at the ground yet!" Sometimes it is people that help you grow. Sometimes it's just a quiet walk by yourself. This latest iteration of my own growth comes in the form of motherhood. And this blog is sharing what I've learned. There are a gazillion blogs, books, websites, etc. of HOW to be a mother. Usually, they include long lists of things to DO ( eg. Plan your meals weeks in advance, go running, take a shower daily, feed baby every two hours, buy this product, shun these p